1. Add 2 litres (1/2 gallon) of warm water to the bottom of your sterilised primary fermenter. Stir the water vigorously and slowly sprinkle the contents of package #1 (bentonite) onto the surface. Stir for 30 seconds to ensure even dispersal, and to break up any clumps.

2. Carefully remove the cap from the large foil bag and empty the contents into the primary fermenter with the bentonite solution. Add 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of warm water to the bag to rinse out any remaining juice, and add it to the fermenter.

3. If your wine kit contains packages of oak or elderflowers, pour contents into the primary fermenter now.

4. Top up fermenter to the 23 litre (5 gallon) mark with cool water. Stir vigorously for 30 seconds.

5. Check specific gravity. It should be between 1.070 and 1.080.

6. Ensure that the temperature of the juice is between 18-24°C (65-75°F). Sprinkle the yeast onto the surface and gently stir in.

7. Cover the primary fermenter and place in an area with a temperature of 18-24°C (65-75°F). Fermentation should start within 24-48 hours.

8. Take and record daily readings of specific gravity and temperature.


After 5-7 days the specific gravity will be 1.010 or less. You must rack the wine into a carboy at this time. (Note: the lower your fermenting temperature, the longer it will take to reach this stage).

1. Carefully syphon wine into a clean, sterilised carboy. Leave the sediment behind. This may leave a space at the top of the carboy. Do not top up at this stage.

2. Reattach bung and airlock (half filled with water) to carboy.

3. Leave carboy in fermentation area for a further 10 days. No tests are required during this time.


After 10 days, check your specific gravity. It should be 0.996 or less. Verify a stable gravity by checking again the next day. If the gravity has changed, leave the wine until the reading is stable on two consecutive days. If you do not verify this reading, your wine may not clear properly!

1. Check the temperature of your wine and ensure it is between 18-24°C (65-75°F). If it is below this temperature range, you may experience slow clearing or high levels of CO2 (fizziness). If necessary, warm the wine by moving it to another area, or by using a heating belt or heat pad.

2. Dissolve contents of package #2 (metabisulphite) and package #3 (sorbate) in 125 ml (1/2 cup) of cool water. Add to carboy and stir very vigorously for 2 minutes to disperse the stabilisers and drive off CO2.


A. To ensure sufficient room in your carboy for the contents of the pack, remove 500ml (two cups) of wine. Reserve this to top up carboy in Step 3.

B. Shake the foil bag, carefully remove the cap, and pour contents into the carboy. Stir vigorously for 60 seconds. Your gravity will now read between 0.998 and 1.007 depending on the style of the kit.

3. Shake contents of package #4 (chitosan or isinglass). Carefully cut open the corner of the pouch and pour contents into carboy. Stir vigorously for 2 minutes to drive off CO2. (Note: your wine may not clear if this stirring is skipped).

4. Top up carboy to within 5cm (2 inches) of the bottom of the bung. Use cool water or reserved wine from the F-Pack addition, if available. Ensure airlock is filled halfway with water and re-attach bung and airlock. Allow your wine 8 days to clarify,


1. After 8 days, check your wine for clarity by drawing a small sample into a wineglass and examining it in good light. If it is not completely clear, leave the carboy for another 7 days. Do not bottle cloudy wine: it will not clear in the bottle.

2. If you wish to filter your wine, please contact your us for instructions. Note: If you will be ageing your wine for more than 6 months, you will need to add extra metabisulphite to prevent oxidation. Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of metabisulphite powder in 125ml (1/2 cup) cool water and stir into wine before bottling.

3. Syphon your wine into clean, sterilised bottles and seal with a good quality cork. Leave bottles upright for three days before lying them on their sides.

Your wine will benefit greatly from 3 months bottle age. Enjoy!

Please note: The information in these instructions are not owned by Brew2Bottle, and are obtained from suppliers of the kits.